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Bennett Avionics

GI-102A GPS / VOR / LOC Indicator


GI-102A GPS / VOR / LOC Indicator

Product Information
Part Number: P/N: 013-00048-01 - Standard GI-102A
Part Number: P/N: 013-00048-11 - With Course Datum
Condition: Serviceable (Certified Used)
Certification: 8130-3
Voltage: 14/28 V
Included: Connector (if needed), 90 Day Warranty
Plug-in replacement: Collins IND-350A
Plug-in replacement: Collins IND-350
Plug-in replacement: Garmin GI-106B

Product Description

Garmin's GI-102A GPS/VOR/LOC Indicator is the indicator designed to work with most GPS units. Like the King KI-202 or Collins IND-350 / IND-350A, the GI-102A has a rectilinear meter movement, instead of pendulum, which makes it easier to read. The needle remains vertical throughout its range of travel. This feature helps the pilot to better determine the degree of correction needed to stay on course.

An uncommon GI-102A feature is a built-in Nav Source annunciator. This shows green when used with a GPS source, and white when used with a VOR or Localizer source. While this annunciator is not generally sufficient on its own to allow an installation to earn an IFR approval, it is definitely a handy backup.

This indicator does not contain a VOR/LOC Converter, which permits its use with a GPS. The GI-102A, together with an Annunciator Control Unit (ACU), can be used to meet the FAA requirements for an IFR GPS installation.

The GI-102A also features:

  • Non-reflective lens
  • Internal lighting

Since the Garmin GI-102A does not contain an internal VOR/LOC Converter, it is designed to be used with NAV equipment that does include this converter.  It will also work with most GPS Receivers. Compatible avionics include:

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